
Profile Picture

Matthew Parent

In 2012 I was introduced to a phenomenon within the video game world. Minecraft was many things to me, but one of the most important was a playground, not just within the game but with the tinkering of the source code itself.

In 2014, I took a course that taught me programming through Minecraft, a brilliant way to spark interest in the field. I began making mods for fun! And in doing so, triggering my long-term booty call with software development.

Nearly a decade later, I am now a professional software developer. While I did develop a plethora of new interests in the worlds of 3D art, storytelling and game design, those smouldering embers from my youth continued to burn, to spread, not only to my professional life but to my very being.

As of early 2023, this website is used for university work. However, it will become a comprehensive bibliography of my career and aspirations as time goes on.

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Exercise 1 <== Click here
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Reading 1 - As AI May Think - Week 2

In Vannevar Bush's article "As We May Think," he introduces the concept of a hypothetical device called the Memex machine, which is essentially a mechanized private file and library that allows an individual to store and access their personal records, books, and communications with exceeding speed and flexibility. The Memex machine was created with the idea of associative indexing, which is a system of indexing based on linking and association between different pieces of information, rather than the traditional alphabetical or numerical filing systems.

The concept of the Memex machine is strikingly similar to modern-day AI technologies such as ChatGPT, which uses machine learning algorithms to understand and generate natural language. Like the Memex machine, ChatGPT has the ability to store vast amounts of data and retrieve specific pieces of information based on context and association. The concept of associative indexing used in the Memex machine has been further developed in modern-day AI technologies such as chatbots, which are designed to provide personalized and relevant responses to user queries by utilizing the context of the conversation.

However, while the Memex machine was only a hypothetical concept when it was introduced, modern-day AI technologies have made this concept a reality. The ability to store and access vast amounts of data and retrieve specific pieces of information based on context and association has revolutionized the way we interact with information. This has led to the development of numerous AI-powered applications such as virtual assistants, recommendation systems, and chatbots that have significantly impacted our daily lives.

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Reading 2 - The Virtual Revolution - Week 3

The Internet has definitely become a major part of our daily lives, shaping the way we communicate, access information, and interact with others. While it has a lot of perks, it also has its own set of difficulties.

One of the Internet's biggest assets is how simple and quick communication and access to information has become. With just a few clicks, you can stay in touch with friends and family from all around the world, share important details, and stay up to date with current events. Additionally, the World Wide Web gives us access to an enormous amount of knowledge and resources that would have otherwise been unavailable to us, leading to new possibilities for education, self-improvement, and personal growth.

Besides making communication and information easy, the Internet has also brought about a number of benefits that have positively impacted our lives. For instance, the Internet has made it possible for us to work and carry out business from anywhere in the world, allowing us to be more flexible and efficient. Online shopping has also made it easier for us to find and buy products and services, saving time and money. The entertainment industry has been significantly impacted by the Internet, giving us endless hours of entertainment through movies, music, and games.

Even though the internet has a lot of advantages, one of the major issues with the internet is the spread of false information and misinformation. With an overwhelming amount of information readily available, it can be tough to determine what's accurate and what's not. This can lead to the dissemination of false information and harmful ideas that can have negative impacts on individuals and society as a whole. Another problem with the Internet is the effect it has on our privacy and security. Personal information is easily accessible online, making it simple for hackers and malicious individuals to access and misuse our private details. This can result in identity theft, financial fraud, and other serious problems.

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Reading 3 - ERROR - Week 5

This one has been skipped

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Reading 4 - Tweeting Furiously - Week 6

This one has been skipped

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Reading 5 - The Nature of Remix - Week 9

As a software developer, I am certainly considered a copier, the nature of software development means everyone is copying others' code and we are all mostly okay with it as long as the amount of code that is copied is reasonable. Entire libraries exist for free because people were willing to make other's lives easier, yet as the documentary stated, companies like apple are the polar opposite of this concept, fighting tooth and nail if you dare use the same variable naming scheme as them.

But for this tremendous evil lies a good side of the coin, the Linux community. Now Linux is not perfect in any way, but as someone who uses it on his personal machines at home, I can say that it is simply a learning curve. Once you are comfortable with it, you are set to never need to use the morally disgusting windows or the legally and functionally limiting OSX ever again.

Why I bring this up is because Linux is the ultimate in remixing, there are effectively 2 widespread Linux distributions that are the foundation of every other distro out there, Arch and Debian, and guess what? they are both based on the same Linux kernel. The version of Linux that I use "Ubuntu" is just an adaptation of Debian, a very popular adaptation, more popular even than Debian itself, but an adaptation nonetheless and everyone is fine with it! Mark Shuttleworth isn't upset that everyone is taking Ubuntu and remixing it left and right, no, this is what he made it for!

Now I am only highlighting the good of the programming world and there is certainly some bad as well, but I think this mentality shows how a collaborative approach to our lives can be a great thing. Through the open source technique, the world has managed to make Operating systems that are more powerful, more useable and less morally corrupt than any of the closed-off legal jerks that run Microsoft, Google and Apple, and for the great price of free! That's the power of remixing and I will forever support the open-source community.

My most used application ever is a blender, an open-source 3D modelling software that lets people make their own tools and adaptations that in many cases end up included in the actual software releases for free! These tools scare the industry which is why you hear things like "blender isn't industry standard, it's not good enough" despite blender being considerably more powerful than any of these "industry standard" tools. It is our job as consumers to support these open-source projects that are the true innovators of the modern era.

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Research for Midterm

Artificial Intelligence


As someone who is a professional software developer, the rise of artificial intelligence or AI has certainly piqued my interest, more specifically I am very interested in how AI is affecting the modern world.

This is what I want my website to be about, I want it to be a sort of research hub for all things AI I can get my hands on, all the good, all the bad, and all the rest.

My website will be a sort of parody of the actual Chat GPT website, it will have the “saved chats” on the sidebar that will effectively be the different topics the user can explore about the world of AI. When the user clicks on these chats the whole text will appear as though it were a chat between Chat GPT and a given user, some of these chats may end up being partially generated by Chat GPT itself though it will certainly require some manual writing to ensure that the important information will be there.

The challenge I am facing is the fact that I want to learn to use the React framework, this is why the website itself is relatively simple because I would like to use this project as a learning exercise to learn React. This will help me in my immediate career as I am currently working on a few website tasks at my job and the whole company website uses React.

In terms of content, there will be points and arguments from articles on the subject since I do want to be accurate with all my information. My fake chat GPT will be using actual numbers and statistics for its arguments.

Speaking of which here are some subjects I will be covering with the website:

Ethical and Social Implications: these are the most important points to cover with AI as it is the most common subject of debate when people are discussing AI

Economic Implications: AI is transforming the global economy, it's affecting the labour market, income distribution, productivity in the workplace and so on. These are all subjects that will be delved into by my website.

Legal and Regulatory Frameworks: How the laws and the government implications that are taking place or should be taking place with regards to regulating AI, many people are worried about how AI will take over different aspects of our lives and one of the most important things to do to keep these very real fears in order is to properly regulate AIs so there will be topics about this as well.

Finally, the future of AI: Where do we see AI going? Will it ever be sentient, what problems might that cause? How much of the world will AI eventually take over? Will there be a sky net uprising? these are all questions people have been asking and these are all topics that will be addressed by my website.

Overall, this website will be nothing spectacular, just me trying to figure out the react framework while exploring a topic that interests me.


Once again, for me this project is a tool discovery one, I am learning how to use the React Framework for both my job and myself.

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User Interface for Midterm


As mentioned earlier, The actual style of the website will be an effective copy of Chat GPT written with the react framework, so below you will see some snippets of the chat GPT dark mode as well as my rough copy of this interface that I wrote with the react framework, so far it is only the background. I also have no clue how to incorporate it into this website so it is just an image for now.

Real Chat GPT

real image

mobile image

My Proposed Version

my version plan

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Style Sheet for Midterm

Style Sheet

Colors of ChatGPT Dark Mode

Fonts of ChatGPT

Some of these fonts are not installed here so they will not be visible

Söhne (not installed)



Segoe UI

Roboto (not installed)

Ubuntu (not installed)

Cantarell (not installed)

Noto Sans (not installed)


Helvetica Neue

Looks like ChatGPT wants to make sure you have a font they are looking for

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